In contrast with previous years when many Chico teams competed, only three teams bearing a Chico hometown were listed in the 2010 results. The lack of Chico teams did not impact the turnout, since a record 120 teams were registered.
My team, Team IPA, competed in the men, 200-239 division (meaning the combined ages of the four runners totaled between 200-239). Our finish time for the 19.9 up-down-up-down miles of the course was 2:40:23, with an average pace-per-mile of 8:04. There was just one other team in the men, 200-239 division, and they barely aced us with a time of 2:37:36.
For comparison, the winning men's team (young men) completed the course in 1:58:39 (pace 5:58) and winning women's team in 2:23:48 (pace 7:14).
In contrast to all of the previous years that I've run the relay, the weather was cloudy and cool. I ran the last leg, and it gently drizzled the entire way. It was not the least bit unpleasant, and in fact it was useful, because the dampening prevented the mostly trail surface of the fourth leg from being dusty. In past years it was clear and cold at the start, but quite warm by late morning.
Next years Whiskeytown Relays takes place on Sunday, 18 September 2011.
TEAM IPA: Greg Fischer, Dave Burkland, Keith Slaughter, John Maretti |
Your plaques will be hand delivered to Chico,,, for an IPA!!!LOL Great job!